Going paperless has countless benefits for your business and once you’ve gone digital, you’ll never look back. 
If your office cupboards and drawers are bursting with paperwork it can be time-consuming and frustrating trying to locate important information. 
Timesheets, invoices, contracts, statements, receipts, meeting minutes, and printed copies of emails can stack up over time, until there’s paperwork overflowing out of every drawer. 
Most of this paperwork is also often printed unnecessarily and ends up going in the wastepaper bin. 
Here are 7 reasons why your small business should consider going paperless. 
Save time 
Searching for a particular piece of paperwork amongst a huge bundle can be like looking for a needle in a haystack. When all your paperwork and documentation is saved electronically, a simple search on your computer or phone should help you locate the information you need in seconds. 
Work more efficiently 
Storing information and paperwork digitally can help you to complete many tasks more efficiently. Rearranging or organising information can be done with the click of a button and it is far easier to edit or share digital information than it is paperwork. 
Keep important information secure 
Physical paperwork can easily be misplaced, lost, stolen or damaged during a disaster. Digital data and documentation stored in the cloud is far more secure. 
Look after the environment 
Reducing the amount of paper that your business uses has plenty of environmental benefits too. Not only does it save trees, it also reduces the amount of water used to produce paper and means less waste going to landfills. 
Free up office space 
Getting rid of paperwork can help to clear your office of clutter to create a more organised and relaxing environment that encourages productivity. 
Improve accessibility 
Once your paperwork and documentation is all stored on the cloud, you will be able to access it from anywhere with an internet connection. This offers you and your colleagues the flexibility and convenience to work from anywhere. 
Save money 
You may be surprised when you add it up just how much printing is costing your business. Every one of your employees can go through 1000s of sheets of paper a year, not to mention the print cartridges and time and expense wasted on maintaining and fixing printer issues. 
Going paperless may sound like a mammoth task, but once you’re all set up, you’ll start feeling the benefit straight away and it’s easy to maintain. 
For help going paperless, speak to your local Pink Spaghetti team. We can help you to sort through paperwork, ensuring that everything important has been digitally documented. We can also help you to create an organised system for storing your digital files. 
Find your local Pink Spaghetti office and get in touch to discuss how our experienced PA services can help to support your business as you go paperless. 
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